Awful ‘Holiday Bonuses’ From Out-Of-Touch Bosses

After working hard at your job all year, it’s certainly nice to be rewarded and recognized with a holiday bonus. Not all companies give those in money, and it seems some employers don’t really understand what counts as a bonus. People are sharing the insulting things they received from a boss as a “holiday bonus,” and most of them aren’t really bonuses at all.

  • A turkey discount- One employee was gifted a $15 off coupon for a Butterball turkey.
  • A $15 gift certificate- This might not have been so bad, but the staff had been working mandatory 50-hour weeks with no holidays off, so this $15 gift certificate to a grocery store wasn’t really what they were hoping for.
  • A discount for their own place of work- A retail worker was not too happy to receive a 50% discount on jewelry at their own store as a holiday bonus.
  • A paycheck deduction- Someone was pretty excited to get a $50 Walmart gift card from their boss … until they saw their paycheck and the $50 deduction for the “employee gift.”
  • $15- A person who claims to work for a billion dollar company where their CEO made $1.4-million in 2020 was less than thrilled to get an email announcing employees were getting an extra $15 in their paycheck, before taxes, of course.
  • A bracelet- But not a nice piece of jewelry, it was one of those silicone bracelets with a slogan on them and this one reads, “OUT WORK EVERYONE.”
  • A tangerine- Yes, really. Someone who’s worked for their employer for 22 years actually received a tangerine as a “thank you” during the holidays.
  • Stale candy and empty platitudes- After a year of hard work on the front lines of the pandemic, one worker received “seven pieces of stale candy and a card full of empty platitudes.”
  • Kids’ snacks- One staffer shares that their Christmas bonus during “one of the company’s most profitable years” was a bag of Goldfish crackers and an apple that came with a note thanking them for their “hard work and dedication!”
  • Store credit- A Walgreens employee was happy after being told they were getting a $50 holiday bonus, only to find out it was actually a store credit.


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