Single Mom’s Guide To Holiday Travel

Holiday travel plans have you stressed out? Imagine doing it as a single mom! November and December are two of the busiest travel months of the year as people want to get home to spend time with their families. Hitting the road or battling through a busy airport can be a challenge, but it’s even more hectic with a kid or two in tow. So if you’re a mom traveling alone with your kids this holiday season, these tips can help make your journey just a bit easier and every little bit counts!

  • Order items for delivery to your destination- Traveling with babies and toddlers means bringing lots of bulky, disposable items like diapers and wipes, which take up a lot of room in a suitcase. But you can save space in your bags by ordering diapers, wipes and pullups to arrive where you’re staying and that’s one less thing to pack.
  • Use your stroller to your advantage- If you’re flying, you should know that strollers don’t count as checked luggage. You can use the stroller to help you navigate through the airport and it can hold extra items for you, since you always need an extra hand when traveling alone with kids, and then just check it at the gate.
  • Do your research before booking a hotel- Not all hotels or Airbnbs are family-friendly, so it’s a good idea to check them out online first. Read reviews and contact the hotel to see how kid-friendly it is. Some places even offer perks like goodie bags and items like books and games for kids to check out, and these perks can make all the difference when it’s just you and the kids.
  • Let people help you- We’re used to having to be on guard when dealing with strangers, but trying to make it through security or go to the bathroom as a single mom can be overwhelming. So when an older woman offers to hold something for you or entertain the baby while you get your older child settled, let her! If it helps make the trip better for everyone, bring it on!
  • Carve out a moment for yourself- Most single moms will agree that traveling with little ones - especially during the holidays - is exhausting. And that’s why it’s important to recharge with some time to yourself during the trip. Give your kiddo some extra screen time or whatever it takes so you can have a moment of peace and quiet and you’ll be better equipped to deal with everything else.

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