Easy Ways To Boost Your Confidence

How’s your confidence level these days? We all go through times when we’re unsure of ourselves, especially when we’re stretched too thin and we’re feeling overwhelmed. When that happens, it’s time to shake up your routine to bring in some positivity and accomplishment. That’s easier said than done, but these expert tips can help you breathe a little easier and feel more comfortable with who you are.

  • Make the bed- It’s not a euphemism, just make the bed. It brings some calm to a chaotic house in less than five minutes.
  • Finish three minor tasks- Completing things is crucial to feeling confident, so grab your to-do list and knock off three easy items. It’s so easy to get distracted and pulled away from the task in front of you, by the end of the day, you might not have finished much. But if you complete three small things, they go in the “done” pile and that makes you feel good.
  • Look for a hand- It’s healthy to recognize your limitations and when you need help. Whether you’re fixing a window or trying to get your kids not to hit, get the help you need by asking someone, reading a book, or Googling it.
  • Address THAT habit- You know the one, and in case you forget, your partner probably mentions it once or 10 times a month. Whatever it is, make an effort to do better and you’ll be showing your S.O. that you’re listening and you care. Relationship expert Pat Love explains that your partner will find that attractive and their response will make you feel more attractive and confident.
  • Take a social media break- A fast can be healthy, especially when it comes to social media. Marriage and family therapist Lesli Doares says you’ll be amazed how much better you feel when you leave social media behind for one day a week.
  • Reconnect with old joy- We all need a break to do fun things, especially if it’s something you used to love and you haven’t done it since becoming a parent. Stop talking yourself out of it because you might not be as good or it will be different now and just let yourself enjoy it.


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