10 Mistakes You're Probably Making On Dating Apps

Dating apps can suck, but maybe it’s not your fault if you’re striking out. We all make mistake – and when it comes to dating, especially in the digital age – even more. What to do? Relationship expert Neil Wilkie offers some thoughts – and we’ll forgive you any of these...except catfishing.

  1. Pretending to be someone you’re not. You may not be catfishing someone by using pictures that aren’t you, but are you really being your true self?
  2. Looking for someone perfect. Perfection does not exist. Instead, look for someone who will love you and who you can have a sustainable, fulfilling, and loveable relationship with.
  3. Being unrealistic. You know that long list of things your SO must have? If that list is too long it will actually hold you because from giving time to people who may have real potential.
  4. Playing with people’s emotions. Games suck. Some may think dating apps are an easy place to play games, but remember, what goes around comes around.
  5. Expecting instant results. Don’t get sad if you’re not flooded with matches right away. Things take time, patience is a virtue, and it’s good to be persistent.
  6. Giving up too easy. You are going to have bad experiences, just keep going.
  7. Not responding to messages. You wouldn’t like to be ignored, would you? Don’t do it to someone else, it is inconsiderate and rude.
  8. Taking it all too seriously. Dating should be fun, and so should dating apps!
  9. Seeing it as a destination, not a journey. You can learn a lot about yourself, about others, and about the world of relationships.
  10. Not being clear on what you want. If you don’t really know what you want, you are going to find the wrong people.


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