Career Coaches Share The Best Career Advice They Ever Got

There is a lot of free career advice online and if you’re okay with trusting an Internet stranger with your paycheck, good on you. If instead, you would like some tips from legit experts, here is some of the best advice that professional career coaches have ever gotten.

  • Let Them Tell You “No.” The founder and CEO ofC-Suite CoachAngelina Darrisaw advises you to go after that raise or promotion until someone tells you that you can’t have it. Don’t talk yourself out of things. Darrisaw says “asking for things we feel unqualified or unprepared for is understandably risky and scary, but if we tell ourselves no, we will never get to hear a yes.”
  • You’re Human: Act Like It. Executive career coach Jackie Mitchell learned early on that “coworkers will relate to you and respect you more when you don’t hold your personality back.” Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with your colleagues because that’s where you’ll develop deeper, long-lasting relationships and expand your network.
  • Be A “Good Leaver.” Career coach Kay White would like to remind everyone that “the person you throw under the bus today could be driving it tomorrow.” In other words, don’t talk crap about your coworkers or your boss, and do not leave a job on a bad note. You never know who you’ll end up running into later in life.

Find more adviceHERE.

Source:The Ladders

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