When To Hit Relationship Milestones

Relationship benchmarks like saying “I love you” or even going on vacation together can be tricky. Doing them too soon...or too late… can sabotage a good thing.

So what is the right time for each of these milestones? YouGov asked Americans and for some, there’s no clear cut time frame. For having sex for the first time, most answers were between the week or less or four to six month range. Going on vacation together hit the was tougher with it being anywhere from one to three months to less than two years!

The other answers were pretty clear:

  • Saying “I love you” - one to three months
  • Meeting the family - one to three or four to six months
  • Moving in together - more than a year but less than two
  • Buying a home was split. More than a year or less than two or six years or more
  • Getting engaged landed between more than a year but less than three
  • Getting married was in the same time frame.
  • Getting pregnant has no clear winner but the answers lean more toward over a year

Interesting takeaways? Men and women didn’t see eye to eye much at all. Men thought it was fine to have sex, say I love you, and move in together very early. Also, most people think you should be married before having a baby.


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