People Reveal The Things Others Love That They Find Disgusting

By now we know that everyone has their own opinion on things, and what some folks may love, others despise. Well, now some folks are sharing the things most people enjoy that they just simply can’t stand.

It all started when someone on Reddit posed the question, “What do you think is disgusting that everyone else seems to like?,” and plenty of users were happy to share their two-cents. 

Commonly liked things people find disgusting include:

  • "Reality TV shows that think humiliation and aggressive bitchy behavior are entertainment."
  • "Water parks. The water is never clear, and a bunch of people’s pee and spit is all over the place. Plus, they’re always hella crowded."
  • "Obsessively taking selfies."
  • "'Dr. Pimple Popper.' Ugh, just thinking about it makes me queasy."
  • "Bobbing for apples. Everyone’s spit is in that tub of water. I do not want to put my open mouth on that slobbery apple."
  • "Wearing shoes in your own house."
  • "Drinking to the point where you can't stand up. Like, head-spinning, probably-should-take-an-Advil-and-lay-down drunk."
  • "Taking a bath. You are literally soaking in your butt juice." 


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