Not So Healthy Eating Habits For Women

It’s not just what you fill your plate with that matters, eating styles and habits make a difference, too. Women, in particular, tend to have some eating habits that are not the healthiest. These are the worst offenders experts say we should stop doing for our health.

  • Eating while standing- Busy moms can be seen in kitchens across the country eating hunched over a counter, but there are benefits to actually grabbing a chair before digging into that lunch. Registered dietitian Lauren Harris-Pincus says sitting down to eat helps us be mindful and makes us less likely to overeat.
  • Finishing off kids’ leftovers- Despite what you may have heard, the calories in your kids’ leftover mac and cheese DO count. We get it, no one wants to waste food, but if the food won’t improve your health, Harris-Puncus advises “let it go.”
  • Eating without a plan- We’ve all been there, hitting that late afternoon wall of hunger and opening the fridge to grab something to tide us over until dinner. But it tends to be a recipe for disaster because we don’t usually go for nutrient-dense veggies, we eat easy snacks with empty calories.
  • Labeling foods as “good” or “bad”- This can cause guilt and negative self-talk that can ultimately lead to a less than ideal relationship with food, warns Harris-Pincus. All foods can fit into a healthy diet, in moderation.
  • Relying on meal replacements too often- They’re marketed to replace full meals, but registered dietitian Kelly Jones says these bars and shakes are often too low in calories and nutrients to keep you satisfied and they’re better off as snacks.
  • Skimping on protein at breakfast- “It’s critical for women to maintain lean muscle as we age - it can start to decline by age 30,” Jones explains, “and going from dinner to lunch the next day without enough protein can mean loss of muscle and its strength.” So start the day with yogurt, oats, and nuts to get your protein in.

Source:Eat This, Not That

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