How To Navigate The Office Bathroom

The office bathroom can be the most awkward place on EARTH! If you need to do your business during business hours, the last thing you want is to bump into a coworker. It can be really hard to know exactly how to deal with coworkers in that special space.

So, how to navigate the office bathroom? Here’s some stuff to keep in mind:

  • Understand it’s a quiet space— It may feel weird, but if you need to take a phone call, the bathroom isn’t a bad place. Just don’t treat it like your personal office!
  • Acknowledge your coworkers— You work with them every day, so it’s actually MORE awkward to not say hello if you bump into them.
  • Set boundaries— Does your boss assign you work while you’re at the sink? Let them know it makes you uncomfortable during your “me time.”

The restroom might feel like an extension of your office, but it is NOT the same. Practice good office bathroom etiquette when you can. It makes the office a better place for everyone!


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