How To Have A Healthy Brain

We need our brains to be in tip-top working order, so we’re more creative, efficient and productive at work. But there’s another reason we also need our brains going at optimum capacity: to help us stay happy. Many studies have shown that healthy neurological functioning is linked to a more stable mood and being able to deal with stress well.

And according to Erica Seigneur of theStanford Neurosciences Institute, there’s one activity that’s been “shown to improve working and long-term memory, improves mood, staves off dementia in old age, and in general, makes your brain and body happy.” And this magical thing is … cardiovascular exercise.

It turns out, getting your heart rate up can actually contribute to brain growth. Seigneur says it triggers activity in the brain that leads to “an increase in synaptic plasticity,” which is believed to improve learning and memory.Researchhas also shown that active people are less depressed than couch potato-types and exercise can ease symptoms of low self-esteem and social withdrawal. So basically, when you exercise, you feel better and your brain works better, and we’ll all be better off after we do some sprints.


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